Saturday, July 6, 2013

it's been a while, eh?

I have neglected to sign up for internet at my apartment so I’m writing this during some downtime at work.  I’m actually enjoying my time without the distractions.  (I still creep on my phone, of course.) 

I have been READING more.  I almost forgot how much I love books!  My collection of vinyl records is also getting more action and I used Amazon gift cards (received at my previous job) to order some new music!  It's been a good few weeks. 

While not reading, I have been watching It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia because that show is the greatest and I often watch the first 6 seasons [that I have on DVD] over and over again. 

Here are some things I have learned in the last 48 days:
-- Most people here drive like idiots.  My road rage is at an all-time high.  Send Xanax, please.
-- Street signage in Buffalo sucks.  I am constantly straining my eyes for the tiny corner signs (and getting honked at while I slow down & search.) 
-- Buffalo is obviously famous for their wings. I don’t like wings or hot sauce.
-- They are also known for chicken finger sandwiches.  I tried one and it was awful.  I am determined to try again.
-- Pizza- yeah, it’s good but it’s good everywhere and I miss Casey’s. 
-- The pepperoni on pizza looks weird.  You were right, Michala.  
-- They sell beer at gas stations and grocery stores but liquor and wine are sold separately.  Why would I want to make an additional stop on my way home with a frozen pizza from Wegmans and a movie from RedBox?  I’ve been sticking with beer – Labatt Blue Light, of course.
--My apartment is the first floor of a house.  My landlord’s sister lives above & I can hear EVERYTHING she does (including the things you're wondering about right now.)  She had her nephews over the other day while I was slipping into a narcoleptic coma.  I am fairly certain they were wrestling and jumping directly above my head.  I almost hoped they would fall through the floor just so they could feel some pain.
--After moving in, I might have hit my neighbor’s fence, a barrel by my deck, and the side of the house with my rental car while trying to navigate down the super narrow driveway.  Maybe that happened, maybe it didn’t happen.  (It definitely happened.) 
-- I started at Yahoo! on May 28th and I was immediately reassured that my decision to accept this job was the right one.  Although I miss my co-workers (some of you) and the comfort I had at First Data, I am excited to be learning something new.  Yahoo! is more complex than I will ever know and my lack of a formal technical education has left me feeling a little overwhelmed.  (My 5+ years at First Data were spent learning by trial & error and knowledge shared through documentation and the brains of others.)  BUT- I enjoy what I’m doing so far and it can only go up from here.  J

I have too many things. 
I have been trying to explore my surroundings without looking like too much of a tourist. This is hard to do while driving around with Nebraska plates. I have made a couple trips north to Lake Ontario and I’ve already dreamed of moving there one day. Olcott, NY is a cute little beach town & I stumbled upon their carnival & car show one afternoon. I went to Lighthouse Grill & Spirits near the lake and ordered a Busch Light. They only had Busch, which I’m pretty sure I haven’t had since high school, but it was cold & refreshing. I went to Fort Niagara that same day and watched a presentation on guns. While it was interesting, it was boring to experience alone.

Someone at work suggested a few parks with hiking trails, so I made the journey to Letchworth State Park a couple weeks ago. They call it the “Grand Canyon of the East” and it is absolutely beautiful. I stood in awe at several points during my hike and a tear or two may have been shed. It quickly became my favorite place and I would return weekly if it didn’t include three hours of driving. The day of my trip, I arrived & realized I had forgotten my tennis shoes. I drove to the nearest town and found a mom & pop shoe store. I explained my story while browsing their selection & they offered a 20% discount on some Nikes!

I joined in hopes of meeting people my age while attending some cool events.  In one group (specified for people in their 20's), a guy suggested an “Urban Exploration” meet-up.  He explained that we would explore some old factories and buildings down by the canal and it sounded like fun!  Nine members were set to attend but when I arrived that Saturday, half did not show up.  I was quickly greeted by two girls my age & a man not even close to our age.  He was wearing a shirt with a quote about prison and a hat to cover his face that proved he was in his late 30's to early 40's.  You know that feeling when you are immediately creeped out by someone as they stare into your soul & you know they’re picturing you naked and/or dead?  Remember when I said our group was specifically for 20-somethings?

Anyway- the two girls were nice, looked weaker & slower, and I had a knife in my backpack, so we started our walk to the first building.  We arrived at an abandoned machinery factory and it was actually really neat.  

Creepster started spewing some “knowledge” about the history of the building and I think he was just making it up because we didn’t know any better.  We went into the building and walked around.  At one point, I was away from the group and Creepster appeared out of nowhere asking if he could take a picture.  I declined and walked back to the girls.  I was already planning an excuse to escape when LUCKILY one girl’s leg fell through the rotten floor and I knew that was my cue to bolt.  (It was only one leg. She was okay, although I’m sure she peed her pants a little during the fall.)  The two girls and I made up excuses as to why we had to leave (hair appointments, lunch with friends, changing the locks on our doors.) Creepster awkwardly asked for our phone numbers so he could set up future events.  I told him I was going off the grid and tossed my phone in the lake as I sprinted to my car.  

I looked at the site a few days ago and he is no longer part of that group, so I think he got the hint or one of the other girls reported him to the Admin.  (Also- the site doesn’t display or offer any personal information, so I’m not worried.)

After that interesting morning, I walked around downtown Buffalo while gazing at some beautiful architecture.  I went to Canalside and Naval Park after enjoying a Bloody Mary and delicious fries at Liberty Hound.  Living only a few minutes from the water is amazing, but I'll write about that and share photos another time. 

I just wanted to write this quick update since I’ve been slacking.  I’m definitely enjoying the summer in my new city & I hope you’re enjoying it wherever you may be, too.