Wednesday, December 25, 2013


I originally started this journal as a way of documenting my move from Omaha, Nebraska to Buffalo, New York with a goal of continuing once I arrived, but it quickly became neglected.  My last update was several months ago and it's now Christmas. (I can't believe it either.)  As much as I love writing, I found myself simply living (and enjoying) my new life in NY instead of wanting to share minor details about it with others.

I update my Facebook and Instagram [too] frequently, so it hasn't been difficult for my family and friends to stay informed.  So much has happened in the last several months, but I'm not about to write a novel about those things now.  Here's a quick rundown: 

The first big addition to my life in New York was the adoption of my fur-baby, Stevie Nicks.  She's the fluffiest, softest, most precious little bitch I've ever met.  Much like the real parents on my Newsfeed, I post pictures of her almost daily and I'm not ashamed.  At least I can leave her at home for 14 hours while I'm at work and she cleans up after herself. (...except for those few weeks she decided to stop using her litter box.  #teenagers, am I right?!)  

Stevie exploring in the snow

Coincidentally enough, a great family from my old church in Iowa helped to introduce me to their awesome family in Buffalo.  I am so thankful for the food, beer, advice, help, and overall human interaction they've provided me in the last couple of months! (And I know my parents are, too!)  I think they've adopted me by now.  :) 

Before moving here, I knew dating was something I would need to eventually try.  I have always found it to be awkward and that's how I found myself, at the age of almost-twenty-six, with virtually no "first real date with a complete stranger" experience.  SO, to avoid the anxiety and pressure, I adopted a cat instead.  

BUT, since Stevie Nicks couldn't speak English or make dinner, I decided to enter the dating world.  In October, I went out with Joe.  We had/have a ridiculous amount of things in common and we've been nearly inseparable since.  (So clingy.)  Without being too sappy- he is the greatest, makes me laugh like no other, and Stevie Nicks has a huge crush.  I mean, a guy who puts up with my cat obsession and cooks some of the best meals I've ever consumed?  Jackpot.  

road-trip to Columbus, OH
With seven months on the board, I have yet to regret the decision of leaving First Data and moving to West NY.  It was time for a change and I'm pretty damn proud of myself for making that jump (and grateful for those who supported me along the way.)  My job has been a bit stressful throughout the last few weeks, but I'm not complaining.  It has kept me on my toes and I continue to learn more and more about the company and its architecture with each passing day.  I work with some awesome people and I love being a part of the Yahoo! world.  

While my move one thousand miles to the East of home isn't nearly as significant or life-altering as others, I feel it was exactly what I needed, happened exactly when it should have, and things have been falling into place ever since.  Although today is Christmas and I'm unable to spend it at home in Iowa, I feel super lucky for all that has happened since my offer in April.  

I will be heading home in less than two weeks and I'm looking forward to seeing some of my favorite human beings and devouring my favorite foods.  Casey's pizza makes the world go 'round, y'all.  

Happy Holidays!
Buffalo's skyline

Letchworth in the Fall 

a white Christmas in North Buffalo

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