Wednesday, May 22, 2013

a little bit of bad luck and a lot of good

Well... I made it to Buffalo!  My mom and I left Council Bluffs at noon on Sunday.  I was more than ready to get started!  The trip was a breeze (for the most part.)  We stopped in Chesterton, Indiana on Sunday night and left early the next morning.  The drive was absolutely beautiful.  I can't believe all the trees!  THE TREES!  They are everywhere and they are so damn pretty.

We crossed the New York border at about 4:00pm on Monday.  We arrived in Buffalo during rush hour.  While we were stopped on I-90 in heavy traffic, a woman (who was likely texting, as she had her head down) plowed into the back of my car.  The force pushed my car into a Mazda ahead.  My back-end is pretty messed up, but we are lucky no one was injured & my airbags didn't deploy!  The girl who hit us had hardly any damage on her pretty BMW but she got the ticket. (Whoo-hoo!!!)  

Did I mention that we were ONE MILE from our exit?  We drove 1022 miles without any problems.  ONE MILE.  It's kind of laughable now.  (but not at the time... I was very upset. Some guy driving by even yelled, "Stop crying, biotch!" So... New York folks are super nice.  That's a relief.)  

Luckily, we were able to drive my car away after a tow-truck driver used a bungee cord to attach my bumper back in place.  I can't imagine the comments from other drivers when they see my damaged car & Nebraska plates.

After a couple days of dealing with insurance companies, I have an estimate scheduled for tomorrow morning.  I'll have a rental and *hopefully* get my car back in a decent amount of time.  

Obviously, I wasn't expecting to deal with a car accident on top of trying to find an apartment.  I had several viewings scheduled for yesterday.  The first was in a great area but was kind of dumpy.  I actually didn't think it was too bad, but my mom thought it was disgusting. :)  The second was in a not-so-great area with a nicer apartment.  At the third, we waited in the heat for 30 minutes.  I was really excited about that apartment, but I called the owner and he said it had been rented out.  (Note to self: check email more often) 

We viewed my TOP choice last night and it was perfect.  I mean... Really. Exactly what I expected.  The landlord was super cool and his wife held out on approving any other candidates until I was able to view the unit.  She contacted some of my references this morning and they gave great reviews.  I received word this afternoon that I was approved!  I can't express how EXCITED I am about this apartment.  Seriously.  LOOK! 

The built-in shelving!  The wood floors!  The white woodwork!  A garage!  A huge deck!  Plus- TWO bedrooms, so plenty of room for guests. :)  I will have a 25-30 minute commute to work in Lockport but I am so happy with the location.  It's in an adorable area with plenty to do within walking distance!  

It is such a relief to have an address.  I hope to move some stuff in over the weekend.  The movers will be here sometime next week with the rest of my belongings!  I can't wait to unpack and start decorating!  

We went to Niagara Falls today.  It's a very short drive, so I'm looking forward to being so close.  The falls were beautiful, but the touristy shit surrounding them is super disappointing, cheesy, and gross.  

Seriously, America?  You. Are. Embarrassing. 
But... I now live 15-20 minutes from here....!!! 

I dropped my iPhone and shattered the screen at Niagara.  I also found out that Yahoo! will provide me with a brand new phone after I start, so I'm going to hold out on fixing my current. 

After a few stressful days, it seems things are turning around.  Gotta' take the good with the bad, right?  I'm extremely lucky to have my mom with me this week.  I wouldn't know how to handle half this shit without her.  She's a champ and we haven't even had a fight!  It will be hard to see her leave on Saturday.  

I'm excited to start work on Tuesday and even more excited to get settled in my new apartment!  I can already tell I'm going to love it here.  My neighborhood is beautiful.  I'm within minutes from a huge park and the river.  I'm a short drive away from Niagara Falls.  I'm looking forward to exploring my new home and I can't wait to have visitors! (So, start planning!) 

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