Friday, May 3, 2013

It's here.

Today marks my last day at First Data.  Five years, two months, and sixteen days. 

They gambled by hiring me in 2008, but I think I’ve earned my place.  I’m no longer that quiet, shy 20-year-old in the corner cubicle.  I’m a bit louder.  I know a whole lot more than I ever expected.  I’m now 25 and not afraid to stand my ground (most of the time.)

Part of my growth was out of maturity.  The remainder blossomed because I have been surrounded by an incredibly supportive group of teammates & management.  Without them, I wouldn’t have made it this far.  I work with many on a daily basis in Omaha.  The others are in Denver, Atlanta, Wilmington, Houston, and Los Angeles. 

I’m not a hugger.  I don’t even say “Thank You” that well.  I’m not the greatest at expressing emotion without laughing or crying.  So, let me do this the 2013 way by allowing my gratitude and feelings to form words on the screen in front of you and we can avoid my cry-face. 

To my past & present teammates, managers, directors, support teams, and anyone else I’ve worked with in the last five years:  Thank you.  THANK YOU!

Five years might not seem like much, but they supplied an unbelievable amount of knowledge and experience that I will continue to utilize for years to come. 

Feel free to follow along as I document my new journey! 

See you around. 

at least I won't have to look at this horrible badge picture again

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