Thursday, May 16, 2013

three days.

I leave in three days.  Actually- I leave in about 61 hours.  It still feels surreal.  Should I be worried that the biggest change of my life hasn't quite hit me yet?  I mean... I have cried.  I even sobbed once (until I looked at a blotchy, swollen face in the mirror and told her to "grow some balls.")

The last two days were spent packing, organizing, donating, and trashing my belongings.  I have way more crap than I thought- even after donating eight trash bags of clothing and three boxes of miscellaneous items.

the breakables. 
I set a few larger things at the end of my driveway yesterday- "FREE" signs attached.  Everything disappeared within ten minutes.  Everyone loves a good freebie!

All of my worldly (cheap, thrifted) possessions. 
I still find it hard to believe that I'm leaving this place.  I won't be around for the rodeo or floating on the river.  I won't have to avoid the annoying crowds at the College World Series this summer.  My pasty legs won't be seen floating at the Quarry.  (You're welcome.) 

I know I am welcome to return at any time, but I hope I fall for Buffalo and find a new comfort zone.  What is that saying? "Once you move to Buffalo, you're done because it's amazing and you would be stupid to leave." ...or is it "Once you move to Buffalo, you're done because you are snowed in forever."  I can never remember.

I may be leaving for an indefinite amount of time but I will be back to visit.  Very soon, actually.  (Jordan and Max's wedding in three weeks!)  My move in three days seems like a little tease.  

This is the type of change I've always wanted.  I'm ready to dive in and explore Buffalo.  I'm looking forward to all of the delicious food and becoming familiar with my new surroundings.  I'm ready to see Niagara Falls and find a few parks so I can start hiking again.  I can't wait to renew the ol' passport and scare my parents when I tell them about a weekend drive to Canada!  ;)

I am scared, super stressed, anxious, but most of all... I'm excited and I am ready! (but first... let me party with friends & family for a couple days.)

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